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Total files found: 153743 b(165035) (0.125s)
[dir]Gaeri's YouTube Remix
[dir]real emotion concert
[dir]cd release
[dir]3x3x3 Average: 22.39
[dir]average of 10 19.51 seconds
[dir]daughtry - what about now (piano)
[dir]Paskoja kuvia
[dir]Rubik's Cube Average of 10 (12.27 seconds)
[dir]Rubik's cube average of 10 18.70
[dir]3x3x3 Daily solve [Avg:12.49]
[dir]Jonas Brothers Incredible Love Story ch.1
[dir]Offspring - Want you bad (Cover by noinfluence)
[dir]Rubik's Cube Average of 10 (14.92 seconds)
[dir]Bad to the bone-gerorge throgood
[dir]Sunday Contest (27th of July entry)
[dir]Rubik's Cube Average of 10/12 Slow Turning 16.28
[dir]Sunday contest - Rubik's cube average 15.52
[dir]average of 10 (15.95)
[dir]Powerillusi - Lato B
[dir]Freerider2 autotrack
[dir]3x3x3 Rubik's Cube Avg 10/12 18.22
[dir]Appledog - G-O-B-B-L-E-D-I? (Sigur Ros Cover)
[dir]Average of 12: 15.48 // 9.69 Single!!
[dir]Pyraminx avg of 5:13.11 sec
[dir]To a dear friend...
[dir]Hot Hobo
[dir]3x3 cube average of 10 (14.38)
[dir]Rubik's Cube Average of 12 (16.49)
[dir]14.97 Average of 12
[dir]3x3 19sec single
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16

Database time: 0.001
Search engine time: 0.125

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